President Harold Gillim (WE4G) called the meeting to order at 7:14 p.m and recognized guests Russ Call (WB9JHD) and Jake Jennings (KG4EMO) who is the Emergency Coordinator for Daviess County.

The minutes of the March 4, 2003 minutes were read by secretary Jim Mason and approved as read.

The treasurer’s report was given by treasurer Gerald Basham. Deposits since the last meeting were $10. There were no disbursements. The current balance as of April 1 is $116.00. The treasurer’s report was approved as given.

Repeater Committee chairman, Ray Patton (N4RLU) reported that he, President Gillim, and David Catron had moved the repeater purchased from Don Frakes (K4DC) by the Hancock County EMA and moved it to a temporary location at the water tower in Hawesville and had it up in about 30 minutes. We have the linking antenna, and President Gillim has assembled a dipole HF antenna. Treasurer Basham has volunteered to drive to Frankfort to pick up the hard line coax which is being given to the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) by the Kentucky Emergency Management (KyEM). After all the materials and equipment is in place, the system will be operational on 3888 MHz evenings (75 meters) and 7228 KHz (40 meters) daytime.

John Payne (N4COT) reported that the club had received its FCC license and call sign, KG4YWH. Payne, a member of the Repeater Committee in charge of coordinating a new frequency for the repeater is in the process of completing an application for a coordinated frequency and requested input for some of the questions on the application. Secretary Mason suggested that the club apply for a vanity call in order to get a shorter call sign. He said that since Payne, the club trustee, holds an Advanced class license, the club could apply for a 2x2 call sign, and Mason said that he had checked and the call sign, KY4HC, was not in use. The members approved of applying for that vanity call and authorized Payne to submit an application for the replacement call sign.

Patton reported that budget requests would be going before Hancock Co. Fiscal Court soon for the coming fiscal year, and that we should be making our recommendation for HF equipment for the EOC.

Field Day chairman Paul Vaughn (KF4ACQ) reported that he had talked to Hancock Co. Emergency Management Agency (EMA) director Jim Inman regarding having the EOC as the club’s location for Field Day participating as a Class F station. Inman approved of the event being held at the EOC and ask that we try to use emergency power to give the participating members practice without commercial power.

Vaughn reported that he had not yet made any arrangements for a vending booth as a fund raiser for the club at the July 4th weekend event at Vastwood Park because he was unsure about what official was in charge of the event. It was suggested that Vaughn check with the County Judge Executive’s office for information on whom to contact about the event.

John Payne announced that he had applied to the ARRL for the vacant position of Emergency Coordinator (EC) for Hancock County and recommended that all members interested in participating in Amateur Radio Emergency Services (ARES) complete a registration form for ARES membership so that we could begin training in the near future.

Jake Jennings (KG4EMO), the EC for Daviess Co., provided some information regarding the ARES operation in Daviess County and said that he hoped to organize a RACES (Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Services) group in his county before long.

President Gillim adjourned the meeting prior to 9:00 p.m., and the group enjoyed refreshments provided by Paul and Ricki Vaughn. Jim Mason displayed a Kenwood TS-2000 transceiver that he had recently won in a drawing sponsored by Kenwood and the Internet amateur radio cataloger, Gigaparts, Inc.

Members in attendance were Jim Mason (KG4RCX), John Payne (N4COT), Paul Vaughn (KF4ACQ), Gerald Basham (KG4SQD), Jim Wedding (KF4PSP), Ray Patton (N4RLU), and Harold Gillim (WE4G).

Submitted by
Jim Mason, Secretary
Hancock Amateur Radio Association

Approved without additions or corrections, May 6, 2003